Garud block is located in Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. There are a total of189 villages in Garud community development block of Bageshwar. The total population of Garud block is 68,617 with male population of 31,800 and female population of 36,817. There are 15,180 households in Garud block, Bageshwar district.
A summary of each of the villages in Garud block Bageshwar district is provided below. Click on the village name to view the detailed demographic data of each village. Scroll down to see the list of villages in Garud block.
Check out list of all blocks in Bageshwar district.
Population | 68,617 |
Males | 31,800 |
Females | 36,817 |
ST Population | 285 |
SC Population | 19,482 |
Literacy | 81.21% |
Households | 15,180 |
Child (0-6 yrs) | 9,632 |
Garud Block has a total working population of 31,172 of which 13,599 are main workers and 17,573 are marginal workers. 6,659 people are engaged fulltime in farming or cultivation while 6,659 persons pursue farming for less than 6 months in a year.
Working Population | 31,172 |
Main Workers | 13,599 |
Main Cultivator | 6,659 |
Agri Labourers | 639 |
Marginal Workers | 17,573 |
Marginal Cultivators | 12,138 |
Non Working | 37,445 |
Non Working Males | 17,839 |
Non Working Females | 19,606 |
Terms Used
Main Workers: People who have worked for MORE than 6 months (183 days) in a year.
Marginal Workers: People who have worked for LESS than 6 months (183 days) in a year.
Main Cultivators: People who are the owner/co-owner of the land and engaged in cultivation.
Agri Labourers: Those who worked on other's land for wages.
Below is the list of all villages in Garud Block of Bageshwar, Uttarakhand. Click on the name of any village below to see the detailed information about that village in Garud Block.
Village | Block | Population | Households |
Agar | Garud | 195 | 45 |
Ainchar | Garud | 109 | 26 |
Akurai | Garud | 73 | 18 |
Amoli | Garud | 412 | 86 |
Amsyari | Garud | 336 | 80 |
Ana | Garud | 467 | 107 |
Athron | Garud | 101 | 24 |
Ayartoli | Garud | 821 | 201 |
Baigaon Kalron | Garud | 513 | 99 |
Bajwar | Garud | 305 | 73 |
Band | Garud | 311 | 82 |
Baneshwar | Garud | 68 | 13 |
Bantoli | Garud | 236 | 54 |
Baret | Garud | 170 | 37 |
Barikhet | Garud | 81 | 24 |
Bayalisera | Garud | 152 | 35 |
Bhagar Tola | Garud | 329 | 65 |
Bhagdanu | Garud | 150 | 21 |
Bhakunkhola | Garud | 883 | 196 |
Bhana Padiyar | Garud | 19 | 5 |
Bhatriya | Garud | 1,091 | 247 |
Bheta Kutoliya | Garud | 49 | 11 |
Bhetagunth | Garud | 235 | 50 |
Bhil Kot | Garud | 516 | 129 |
Bhitar Kot | Garud | 151 | 36 |
Bhojgan | Garud | 197 | 42 |
Bimola | Garud | 414 | 89 |
Binkholi | Garud | 412 | 85 |
Borgaon | Garud | 37 | 9 |
Bunga | Garud | 448 | 103 |
Chamoli | Garud | 20 | 7 |
Chanoli | Garud | 349 | 88 |
Charan | Garud | 121 | 27 |
Charna | Garud | 932 | 185 |
Chhanisera | Garud | 26 | 2 |
Chhatiya | Garud | 695 | 156 |
Chhatyani | Garud | 361 | 78 |
Dank | Garud | 186 | 42 |
Darimkhet | Garud | 411 | 79 |
Darshani | Garud | 818 | 192 |
Dewal Khet | Garud | 93 | 18 |
Dhaina | Garud | 398 | 100 |
Dhirtoli | Garud | 291 | 64 |
Dhola Gaon | Garud | 198 | 42 |
Dhonpa | Garud | 12 | 3 |
Dhukra | Garud | 282 | 68 |
Dhyonai | Garud | 783 | 173 |
Dudila | Garud | 470 | 91 |
Dumlot State | Garud | 246 | 52 |
Dungari Chakhera | Garud | 14 | 4 |
Eriya | Garud | 135 | 29 |
Falyati | Garud | 279 | 66 |
Fulwari Gunth Ba | Garud | 762 | 184 |
Gairlekh | Garud | 176 | 39 |
Galai | Garud | 631 | 155 |
Gani Gaon | Garud | 646 | 144 |
Garkhet | Garud | 454 | 94 |
Garser | Garud | 627 | 145 |
Gheti | Garud | 736 | 158 |
Ghorana | Garud | 137 | 27 |
Gwalde | Garud | 162 | 32 |
Gwar Pajena | Garud | 981 | 223 |
Harbagar | Garud | 266 | 55 |
Hari Nagari | Garud | 404 | 84 |
Hawil Kulwan | Garud | 644 | 138 |
Hunera | Garud | 53 | 14 |
Jabra State | Garud | 660 | 147 |
Jaisar | Garud | 315 | 87 |
Jakh | Garud | 444 | 91 |
Jakhera | Garud | 735 | 140 |
Jijoli | Garud | 231 | 57 |
Jinkhola | Garud | 397 | 97 |
Kafaldhunga | Garud | 423 | 86 |
Kajyuli | Garud | 306 | 76 |
Kakardhar | Garud | 14 | 3 |
Kaneri | Garud | 102 | 22 |
Kansyari | Garud | 1,063 | 260 |
Kapkoti | Garud | 130 | 31 |
Katarmal | Garud | 280 | 61 |
Katuwa Pani | Garud | 5 | 1 |
Kaulang | Garud | 328 | 76 |
Kausani Estate | Garud | 2,408 | 512 |
Khaderya | Garud | 233 | 52 |
Khi Roliya | Garud | 68 | 18 |
Khitoli | Garud | 89 | 21 |
Khumtiya Naikra | Garud | 398 | 70 |
Kohina | Garud | 177 | 35 |
Kot Fulwari | Garud | 107 | 26 |
Kot Tulari | Garud | 533 | 128 |
Kotali | Garud | 140 | 34 |
Kothon | Garud | 299 | 70 |
Kotyura | Garud | 136 | 26 |
Kulaun | Garud | 1,310 | 287 |
Kulsari | Garud | 169 | 38 |
Kunjhali | Garud | 208 | 45 |
Ladyura | Garud | 147 | 29 |
Lakhani | Garud | 1,313 | 293 |
Lamchula | Garud | 784 | 143 |
Lar Khet | Garud | 30 | 9 |
Laskar Khet | Garud | 298 | 60 |
Latugar Chandrap | Garud | 72 | 12 |
Laubaj | Garud | 738 | 159 |
Loha Gari | Garud | 290 | 64 |
Lohakot | Garud | 0 | 0 |
Lohar Chora | Garud | 262 | 49 |
Lohari Malli | Garud | 22 | 5 |
Lohari Talli | Garud | 149 | 32 |
Magalta | Garud | 231 | 54 |
Mahar Gheti | Garud | 37 | 10 |
Maharpale | Garud | 62 | 14 |
Maigari State | Garud | 1,297 | 301 |
Maj Kot | Garud | 1,115 | 237 |
Malde | Garud | 253 | 59 |
Malla Doba | Garud | 286 | 71 |
Malla Paya | Garud | 266 | 56 |
Mana Khet | Garud | 194 | 45 |
Mantoli | Garud | 62 | 16 |
Mat Gauth | Garud | 147 | 27 |
Matena | Garud | 599 | 139 |
Mathron | Garud | 254 | 61 |
Mawai | Garud | 322 | 71 |
Mela Dungri | Garud | 685 | 157 |
Motisari | Garud | 176 | 42 |
Munyura Mafi | Garud | 2,097 | 491 |
Nakuri Talli | Garud | 208 | 43 |
Nan Kuwali | Garud | 0 | 0 |
Nargwari | Garud | 218 | 56 |
Nau Gaon | Garud | 532 | 110 |
Naugaon | Garud | 147 | 35 |
Naughar | Garud | 875 | 210 |
Naughar State | Garud | 414 | 96 |
Pachana | Garud | 484 | 102 |
Panyali | Garud | 278 | 61 |
Par Koti | Garud | 375 | 88 |
Parena | Garud | 202 | 46 |
Parigaon | Garud | 0 | 0 |
Patali | Garud | 406 | 99 |
Pathariya | Garud | 175 | 35 |
Patula Kot | Garud | 229 | 57 |
Paye | Garud | 797 | 172 |
Pinglon | Garud | 1,118 | 233 |
Pokhari | Garud | 444 | 83 |
Punya Mafi | Garud | 94 | 21 |
Purara | Garud | 1,016 | 221 |
Purwi Ayartoli | Garud | 298 | 61 |
Raitoli | Garud | 183 | 43 |
Rampur Malla | Garud | 199 | 48 |
Rampur Talla | Garud | 64 | 12 |
Rankuri | Garud | 268 | 57 |
Ratmatiya | Garud | 358 | 73 |
Ratora | Garud | 149 | 36 |
Ritha | Garud | 96 | 19 |
Ritha Baman Gaon | Garud | 284 | 57 |
Rithar | Garud | 187 | 47 |
Riuni Lakhamar | Garud | 451 | 103 |
Rolyan | Garud | 475 | 104 |
Sal Gara | Garud | 171 | 32 |
Salkhanyari | Garud | 206 | 34 |
Sanu | Garud | 85 | 20 |
Seelkuna | Garud | 144 | 30 |
Seema | Garud | 133 | 31 |
Selakhola | Garud | 103 | 23 |
Selihat | Garud | 49 | 8 |
Silangtoli | Garud | 141 | 30 |
Silli | Garud | 809 | 181 |
Silri | Garud | 180 | 44 |
Simgari | Garud | 638 | 114 |
Simkhet | Garud | 467 | 95 |
Simpuri | Garud | 90 | 20 |
Sirkot | Garud | 1,225 | 267 |
Sitoli | Garud | 222 | 49 |
Soliya Bajyari | Garud | 127 | 31 |
Surag | Garud | 291 | 47 |
Syalde | Garud | 383 | 93 |
Syali | Garud | 255 | 53 |
Syaltit | Garud | 166 | 37 |
Tailihat | Garud | 418 | 99 |
Talla Doba | Garud | 140 | 31 |
Talla Paya | Garud | 447 | 100 |
Tanikhet | Garud | 194 | 46 |
Thakala | Garud | 173 | 38 |
Than Dangoli | Garud | 460 | 97 |
Thepuru Bajwar | Garud | 302 | 59 |
Tilsari | Garud | 346 | 94 |
Titoli | Garud | 102 | 21 |
Uncha Khet | Garud | 90 | 25 |
Urkhuli | Garud | 711 | 132 |
Wajuli | Garud | 0 | 0 |
Wajyula | Garud | 1,349 | 318 |
The data is based on 2011 Census. Some new blocks might have been created or merged since then resulting in some of the villages to be rearranged in other blocks.
Note: Villages with "0" population are omitted from the list of least populated villages.
*Ghost Villages: Villages with "0" population.