
Population : 954,605
Male : 493,666
Female : 460,939
Literacy : 83.88%
Male : 90.07%
Female : 77.29%
Find your Village - Nainital District

Nainital Overview

Nainital district in Uttarakhand has 8 tehsils or sub-districts and 9 community development blocks. The total population of Nainital district is 954,605 with the male population of 493,666 and female population of 460,939.

ST Population7,495
SC Population191,206
Child (0-6 yrs)124,272

You can browse the demographic details of all towns and villages in Nainital district by Tehsils or by Community Development Blocks. You can also simply enter the name of the village in the search box below.

Uttarakhand Matrimonial

Ghost Villages in Nainital District

Migration from rural villages of Nainital district is a concerned issue. Due to this continuous migration, many of the villages in Nainital, Uttarakhand have been completely deserted. As per 2011 census, 44 villages in Nainital district have become ghost villages with zero (0) population and no one living there! Click here for the list of ghost villages in Nainital.

Tehsils or Sub Districts in Nainital District, Uttarakhand

View the list of villages in Nainital by each Tehsil. Click on the name of your Tehsil to get the list of all villages in that teshil. The list of villages in Nainital is based on census 2011 and will be updated shortly when the census details of 2021 are made available.

Tehsil District
Kosya KutauliNainital
All Tehsils in Nainital

Some of the tehsils might have merged with other tehsils and new tehsils might have been created in Nainital. This list is based on India Census 2011.

CD Blocks in Nainital District, Uttarakhand

Check out the list of all villages in Nainital district by each Community Development Block. Click on the name of your Block to get the list of all villages in that block.

Block Population Households
Forest CD Block Nainital87,41917,038
Okhal Kanda48,3378,490

This list is based on India Census 2011. Some of the community development blocks might have merged with other blocks and new blocks might have been created in Nainital since then.

Statutory Towns in Nainital District, Uttarakhand

Block Population Households
Nainital (MB)41,3779,329
Nainital (CB)1,398414
Bhowali (MB)6,3091,428
Bhimtal (NP)7,7221,671
Haldwani-cum-Kathgodam (MB + OG)201,46140,599
Fatehpur Range (Dhamua Dunga Area) (CT)12,7912,566
Mukhani (CT)22,4755,106
Haldwani Talli (CT)8,1591,741
Ramnagar (MB)54,78710,620
Kaladhungi (NP)7,6111,431
Lalkuan (NP)7,6441,524

This list is based on India Census 2011.

Nainital District FAQs

Want to know more about Nainital?

The total population of Nainital district is 954,605. It includes the male population of 493,666 and female population of 460,939.

There are 8 tehsils in Nainital district.

There are 9 blocks in Nainital district.

The literacy rate of Nainital is 83.88%

The above data is based on the last census.

10 most populated Villages in Nainital District
10 least populated Villages in Nainital District

Nainital Travel Guide

Planning to visit Nainital? Check out the comprehensive travel guide to Nainital. Browse the list of Hotels in Nainital.

Nainital Matrimony

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