Tehsils or Sub Districts in Nainital District, Uttarakhand

As per 2011 census, there are 8 Tehsils (Sub Districts) in Nainital district, Uttarakhand.

List of all Tehsils in Nainital is provided below. Click on the tehsil name to see the list of villages under that tehsil. You can then view the detailed census data of each villages that comes under the respective tehsils.

Village Search - Nainital District

List of Tehsils in Nainital District

There are 8 Sub Districts or Tehsils in Nainital district.

A Tehsil is a local administrative unit that falls under a district. A district may have many tehsils. Tehsils are also referred as Sub Districts. Tehsil is the place where all the legal documents and works get done. One has to visit Tehsil office for registry, purchasing stamps, affidavits, wills, buying and selling property etc.

To view the list of villages in each tehsils, click on the name of the tehsils below.

Tehsil District
Kosya KutauliNainital

This list is based on India Census 2011. Some of the community development blocks might have merged with other blocks and new blocks might have been created in Nainital since then.