Fatehpur Range (p-2) Village, Nainital

Fatehpur Range (p-2) village is located in Forest Cd Block Nainital block and Nainital tehsil of Nainital district. The geographical area of Fatehpur Range (p-2) village is 28.2 heactares.

Meet 18 people from Nainital Tehsil in Nainital district.
Administrative details of Fatehpur Range (p-2) village, Nainital
Tehsil Nainital
Block Forest Cd Block Nainital
Gram Panchayat NA
District Nainital
Nearest Statutory Town Nainital / 30kms
Area 28.2 ha

Population Data of Fatehpur Range (p-2) village, Nainital District

Fatehpur Range (p-2) village in Nainital district has a total population of 0 comprising of 0 families that reside in Fatehpur Range (p-2) village. The village has a male population of 0 and female population of 0. In Fatehpur Range (p-2) village, the population of children within age group of 0-6 yrs is 0.

Children (0-6) yrs0
Children - Male0
Children - Female0
SC Population0
ST Population0

Terms Used
Sex Ratio: It is a ratio of number of females per 1000 male. Calculation (No. of Females/ No. of Males)x1000

5 most populated Villages in Forest Cd Block Nainital Block
5 least populated Villages in Forest Cd Block Nainital Block

Note: Villages with "0" population are omitted from the list of least populated villages.