Bhandar Sera village is located in Dugadda block and Lansdowne tehsil of Pauri Garhwal district. It comes under Sila gram panchayat. The geographical area of Bhandar Sera village is 3.36 heactares.
Bhandar Sera village in Pauri Garhwal district has a total population of 0 comprising of 0 families that reside in Bhandar Sera village. The village has a male population of 0 and female population of 0. In Bhandar Sera village, the population of children within age group of 0-6 yrs is 0.
Population | 0 |
Males | 0 |
Females | 0 |
Children (0-6) yrs | 0 |
Children - Male | 0 |
Children - Female | 0 |
Households | 0 |
SC Population | 0 |
ST Population | 0 |
Terms Used
Sex Ratio: It is a ratio of number of females per 1000 male. Calculation (No. of Females/ No. of Males)x1000
Note: Villages with "0" population are omitted from the list of least populated villages.