Munyadhar Village, Rudraprayag

Munyadhar village is located in Jakholi block and Jakholi tehsil of Rudraprayag district. It comes under Khaliyan gram panchayat. The geographical area of Munyadhar village is 26.09 heactares.

Meet 21 people from Jakholi Tehsil in Rudraprayag district.
Administrative details of Munyadhar village, Rudraprayag
Tehsil Jakholi
Block Jakholi
Gram Panchayat Khaliyan
District Rudraprayag
Nearest Statutory Town Rudraprayag / 47kms
Area 26.09 ha

Population Data of Munyadhar village, Rudraprayag District

Munyadhar village in Rudraprayag district has a total population of 300 comprising of 57 families that reside in Munyadhar village. The village has a male population of 163 and female population of 137. The sex ratio of Munyadhar village is 840 which is lower than the Uttarakhand average of 963. In Munyadhar village, the population of children within age group of 0-6 yrs is 38. The child sex ratio of Munyadhar village is 652 which is lower than the Uttarakhand average of 890.

Sex Ratio840
Children (0-6) yrs38
Children - Male23
Children - Female15
Child Sex Ratio652
SC Population32
ST Population0

Terms Used
Sex Ratio: It is a ratio of number of females per 1000 male. Calculation (No. of Females/ No. of Males)x1000

Uttarakhand Matrimonial

Work & Employment Data of Munyadhar village, Rudraprayag District

Working Population175
Main Workers30
Main Cultivator30
Agri Labourers0
Marginal Workers145
Marginal Cultivators138
Non Working125
Non Working Males74
Non Working Females51

Terms Used
Main Workers: People who have worked for MORE than 6 months (183 days) in a year.
Marginal Workers: People who have worked for LESS than 6 months (183 days) in a year.
Main Cultivators: People who are the owner/co-owner of the land and engaged in cultivation.
Agri Labourers: Those who worked on other's land for wages.

Education Facilities at Munyadhar village, Rudraprayag District

Below are the educational facilities available at Munyadhar village in Rudraprayag district. Indicates the number of Primary Schools, Middle Schools, Secondary Schools, Senior Secondary Schools and Colleges in and around Munyadhar village.

Primary Schools - Govt1
Nearest Middle School LocationKailash Bangar, <5 kms
Nearest Sec. School LocationKailash Bangar, <5 kms
Nearest Sr. Sec School LocationKailash Bangar, <5 kms
Nearest Arts/ Sc. Degree CollegeAugustmuni, 10+ kms
Nearest Engg. CollegePauri, 10+ kms
Nearest Medical CollegeSrinagar, 10+ kms
Nearest PolytechnicRatura, 10+ kms
Nearest Vocational/ ITIChirbitiya, 10+ kms

This date is based on 2011 Census.

Health Facilities at Munyadhar village, Rudraprayag District

Below are the Health facilities available at Munyadhar village in Rudraprayag district. Indicates the number of Community Health Centres, Primary Health Centres, Hospitals and Dispensary in and around Munyadhar village.

Nearest Comm. Health Centre10+ kms
Nearest Pr. Health Centre5-10 kms
Nearest Maternity Centre10+ kms
Nearest Hospital - Allopathic10+ kms
Nearest Dispensary10+ kms
Nearest Mobile Clinic10+ kms
Nearest Family Welfare Centre10+ kms

This date is based on 2011 Census.

5 most populated Villages in Jakholi Block
5 least populated Villages in Jakholi Block

Note: Villages with "0" population are omitted from the list of least populated villages.